Sunday, January 26, 2014

Animal Photographer? SAY WHAT?? (w h a t!)

Today I decided to step out of my comfort zone and boy did I step out. though this is not the first time I have done this. I decided to dable into the fine world of animal photography. All that I have to say is bless the souls of photographers that have the talent of creating entire sets of images for their clients. I was lucky to get this beautiful shot of my moms yorkie!

All in all the experience itself was super fun and memorable though I love my normal HUMAN clients and definitely appreciate them a LOT more!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Noah is 1 whole year old!

Way back when.. I held a cutest baby contest.. well after some bad weather and bad luck and about 3 re-scheduling's; meet Noah! 

This little angle not only has the most gorgeous eyes know to man-kind, but he also did not fuss one bit when we found an old tree and put him INSIDE it, nope! he just smiled and wondered around :-) This little fella gets a 10/10 for all around wonderful little boy!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Head to the Cure for Carolynne

Have you heard?!

Head to the Cure for Carolynne is a non-profit organazation focused on bringing 100% free professional family portraits/newborn portraits/child portraits/weddings to families or individuals who are going through or have been through cancer of any type. in the central Florida area (hopefully expanding soon!).  

click here to enter the website!

PLEASE   take a look around their website and SPREAD THE WORD. This is an amazing organization that I started and only want it to GROW!  

Thank you so much!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Can't tell you how much fun we had doing this session! such natural beauty! love my job!!

Stumbled into some sports photography recently! Great team and lovely parents and girls!

Monday, June 17, 2013


I am currently in Sweetser Indiana working as an Intern for Leah Roberts of Epic Photography! Im learning a lot and cant wait to grow the business with everything I have been learning !!
